MINI's Mixtape

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Inspired By a Cable Knit Sweater

me and mom were in the mall today
and she wanted to buy a navy blue cable knit sweater...
then i saw a cream-colored one,
and my mind went WILD
w/ideas for outfits to go with an extra large one!
an over-sized cable-knit sweater?
do you know the possiblities?!
okay, so first i thought:
have it oversized with leather waitbelt, doc martens and tights like this polyvore set
(don't judge! i made the set in my explosion of a spur moment to create aestetics for my readers!):

Cable Sweater Love #1
Cable Sweater Love #1 by minimouse2105 featuring Kimberly Ovitz sweaters

w/some shorts
and a pair of high colored rainboots:

Cable Sweater Love #2
Cable Sweater Love #2 by minimouse2105 featuring Kimberly Ovitz sweaters

sweater and knee-high boots:

Cable Sweater Love #2
Cable Sweater Love #2 by minimouse2105 featuring Lanvin shoes

sweater and bright (or mustard-colored) tights and simple-ish ankle boots
(either heels or not):

Cable Sweater Love #4
Cable Sweater Love #4 by minimouse2105 featuring Kimberly Ovitz sweaters

those were all of my visions in about 7.6 seconds...
yeeeup- no lie, haha!
now, believe me, these are ROUGH (crappy) polyvore sets that i put together.
they looked better in my mind!
i swear!
they were just for visual purposes, haha.
but yeah, next paycheck?
i'm going back to the mall to get that sweater!
and eventually some over-the-knee socks
for my future boots!


  1. wow, if your profile is correct, we have more in common...i live in indiana too!:D

  2. wowzers!
    haha indeed that's true too!

    wow...haha that's crazy!
    thanks for following by-the-way!

    ...that's eerie!
