MINI's Mixtape

Friday, October 9, 2009

ohmigoshnewseasonofdegrassistartstonight! can't wait! like, the only good thing that's happened to me today besides my boyfriend, haha!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Cutest Cereal EVER!

who else remember french toast crunch??
i was in english class when i remembered it!, i don't know why i thought of it during english class, haha!
but i did,
i remembered thinking how cute the little toast pieces were.
you gotta admit, almost anything miniture is cute!
i just thought of it and was like, "dang, that was back in the day!"
but that is all,
haha i don't even think i even really cared too much for the cereal!
just its cuteness, haha!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Inspired By a Cable Knit Sweater

me and mom were in the mall today
and she wanted to buy a navy blue cable knit sweater...
then i saw a cream-colored one,
and my mind went WILD
w/ideas for outfits to go with an extra large one!
an over-sized cable-knit sweater?
do you know the possiblities?!
okay, so first i thought:
have it oversized with leather waitbelt, doc martens and tights like this polyvore set
(don't judge! i made the set in my explosion of a spur moment to create aestetics for my readers!):

Cable Sweater Love #1
Cable Sweater Love #1 by minimouse2105 featuring Kimberly Ovitz sweaters

w/some shorts
and a pair of high colored rainboots:

Cable Sweater Love #2
Cable Sweater Love #2 by minimouse2105 featuring Kimberly Ovitz sweaters

sweater and knee-high boots:

Cable Sweater Love #2
Cable Sweater Love #2 by minimouse2105 featuring Lanvin shoes

sweater and bright (or mustard-colored) tights and simple-ish ankle boots
(either heels or not):

Cable Sweater Love #4
Cable Sweater Love #4 by minimouse2105 featuring Kimberly Ovitz sweaters

those were all of my visions in about 7.6 seconds...
yeeeup- no lie, haha!
now, believe me, these are ROUGH (crappy) polyvore sets that i put together.
they looked better in my mind!
i swear!
they were just for visual purposes, haha.
but yeah, next paycheck?
i'm going back to the mall to get that sweater!
and eventually some over-the-knee socks
for my future boots!

Go Snowball! Go Snowball!

so this'll be my last video post for the day
til next time, haha!
it's of a cockatoo
named Snowball
to Backstreet Boys!
everyone i show this to cannot help
but rock along with snowball's cuteness!
i can't either!
*deep breath*

I Love You Joel McHale!...And I Love this Video!

Joel McHale is the host of this show called The Soup,
and basically it's a show making fun of any recent happenings
from reality shows and celebrities.
i forgot what cartoon this clip was making fun of...
...but it ends with Joel looking funky in a Rainbow Brite costume!
i LOVE it!
it's SOO disturbing.
i'm sure it'll be disturbing for anyone.
no matter if you know Joel or not, hahaha!

Why in the WORLD is this Show not on Anymore?!

who in the world doesn't remember Bobby's World?!
while i'm writing, the theme song's playing in my head, haha!
but on the lefthand corner of my blog?
there's a link to a site called retrojunk
has all the oldies but goodies show and such that you could ever think of!
i just randomly remembered Bobby's World for today though...
and his uncle!
who always gave him noogies!
and wore the boxers with the hearts on 'em!
haha, ahhh...
THAT, show needs to come back- PRONTO!
shoot, i'm gonna have to get a video or something...


although i'm still only @ 15 followers,
i've apparently had HUNDREDS of views within a week or two!
and it's not like i only have two posts per page.
i have quite a few per page.
my friend jacob told me he still reads all of my blogs!
thanks jacob!
that means a lot!
that's CRAZY though- my views are OVER 1,000!
oh man!
whether or not something's up...
i don't care,
i'm grateful- thanks all!


i've definietly have been eating waaaay too much ice cream
and drinking waaaaay too much soda @ my DQ job, haha!
but, i found the solution
for shedding off any pounds gained!
wearing heels in my 3,400 populated school!
that'll be sure to break a sweat.
i wore my cowboy boots today
and felt my tighs flexin'!
that'll be my excercise theory until futher notice, hahaha!
now the on-coming zits from the sugar overload??
a completely different dilema to demolish!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


blogger's looking weird right now...
can't change the alignment or anything!

i started a blog on tumblr
(i'm still stick to blogger so far!)

yeah...don't know about tumblr...
this weekend has pretty muched sucked. the only pleasures i've gotten out of it were inhaling the smell of gasoline and buying Pizza Hut needed.