MINI's Mixtape

Thursday, December 17, 2009

i dunno...

i might be coming back to blogger-but making a different blogger??
i don't know...attempt to import anything i write in my tumblr over here i guess?

tumblr just feels so much more like a diary! ugh, what to do...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I feel SOOO bad!

although i havent posted in WEEKS...
i'm still getting comments and followers here...

i spend more time on tumblr though!

here guys, if you wanna follow me, follow my tumblr- i hope you enjoy it equally as much as my blogger!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

LOOONG...Maybe Forever Haitus??

i can never figure out what else to write for my blog posts.
and how to keep it big and bold.

plus, blogger has been acting up FOREVER on my computer.

so i decided to open a tumblr account.

and it's really let me be short sweet and to-the-point.
not to mention getting rid of all the flashy glittery add ons,
and just strip down to the bare minimal.

i don't know why, but tumblr inspires me to be deep and open up.

so if you wanna see the posts i have time for, check out my tumblr.
now THIS, is my own thought-diary:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

sweet! i think starbucks signature salted caramel hot cocoa is out now! and i reeeally have a craving for kroger's neon-frosting! yum!
i would be soooo happy right now with some cheese bagle bites and a classic board game that involves thinking on a friday night.

Monday, October 19, 2009

with all of the hopes, dreams, and ideas i have? it amounts to nothing more than me as a dog barking @ the end of her chain based on where i am right now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Stirrups be SEX-AY!

i don't care what anyone says.
they be sexy as heck!

i personally LOVE them.
over high heels,
just on your heels in flats,
even gladiator sandals!
i did it once- LOVE IT!
i'm proud of stirrups!

Friday, October 9, 2009

ohmigoshnewseasonofdegrassistartstonight! can't wait! like, the only good thing that's happened to me today besides my boyfriend, haha!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Cutest Cereal EVER!

who else remember french toast crunch??
i was in english class when i remembered it!, i don't know why i thought of it during english class, haha!
but i did,
i remembered thinking how cute the little toast pieces were.
you gotta admit, almost anything miniture is cute!
i just thought of it and was like, "dang, that was back in the day!"
but that is all,
haha i don't even think i even really cared too much for the cereal!
just its cuteness, haha!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Inspired By a Cable Knit Sweater

me and mom were in the mall today
and she wanted to buy a navy blue cable knit sweater...
then i saw a cream-colored one,
and my mind went WILD
w/ideas for outfits to go with an extra large one!
an over-sized cable-knit sweater?
do you know the possiblities?!
okay, so first i thought:
have it oversized with leather waitbelt, doc martens and tights like this polyvore set
(don't judge! i made the set in my explosion of a spur moment to create aestetics for my readers!):

Cable Sweater Love #1
Cable Sweater Love #1 by minimouse2105 featuring Kimberly Ovitz sweaters

w/some shorts
and a pair of high colored rainboots:

Cable Sweater Love #2
Cable Sweater Love #2 by minimouse2105 featuring Kimberly Ovitz sweaters

sweater and knee-high boots:

Cable Sweater Love #2
Cable Sweater Love #2 by minimouse2105 featuring Lanvin shoes

sweater and bright (or mustard-colored) tights and simple-ish ankle boots
(either heels or not):

Cable Sweater Love #4
Cable Sweater Love #4 by minimouse2105 featuring Kimberly Ovitz sweaters

those were all of my visions in about 7.6 seconds...
yeeeup- no lie, haha!
now, believe me, these are ROUGH (crappy) polyvore sets that i put together.
they looked better in my mind!
i swear!
they were just for visual purposes, haha.
but yeah, next paycheck?
i'm going back to the mall to get that sweater!
and eventually some over-the-knee socks
for my future boots!

Go Snowball! Go Snowball!

so this'll be my last video post for the day
til next time, haha!
it's of a cockatoo
named Snowball
to Backstreet Boys!
everyone i show this to cannot help
but rock along with snowball's cuteness!
i can't either!
*deep breath*

I Love You Joel McHale!...And I Love this Video!

Joel McHale is the host of this show called The Soup,
and basically it's a show making fun of any recent happenings
from reality shows and celebrities.
i forgot what cartoon this clip was making fun of...
...but it ends with Joel looking funky in a Rainbow Brite costume!
i LOVE it!
it's SOO disturbing.
i'm sure it'll be disturbing for anyone.
no matter if you know Joel or not, hahaha!

Why in the WORLD is this Show not on Anymore?!

who in the world doesn't remember Bobby's World?!
while i'm writing, the theme song's playing in my head, haha!
but on the lefthand corner of my blog?
there's a link to a site called retrojunk
has all the oldies but goodies show and such that you could ever think of!
i just randomly remembered Bobby's World for today though...
and his uncle!
who always gave him noogies!
and wore the boxers with the hearts on 'em!
haha, ahhh...
THAT, show needs to come back- PRONTO!
shoot, i'm gonna have to get a video or something...


although i'm still only @ 15 followers,
i've apparently had HUNDREDS of views within a week or two!
and it's not like i only have two posts per page.
i have quite a few per page.
my friend jacob told me he still reads all of my blogs!
thanks jacob!
that means a lot!
that's CRAZY though- my views are OVER 1,000!
oh man!
whether or not something's up...
i don't care,
i'm grateful- thanks all!


i've definietly have been eating waaaay too much ice cream
and drinking waaaaay too much soda @ my DQ job, haha!
but, i found the solution
for shedding off any pounds gained!
wearing heels in my 3,400 populated school!
that'll be sure to break a sweat.
i wore my cowboy boots today
and felt my tighs flexin'!
that'll be my excercise theory until futher notice, hahaha!
now the on-coming zits from the sugar overload??
a completely different dilema to demolish!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


blogger's looking weird right now...
can't change the alignment or anything!

i started a blog on tumblr
(i'm still stick to blogger so far!)

yeah...don't know about tumblr...
this weekend has pretty muched sucked. the only pleasures i've gotten out of it were inhaling the smell of gasoline and buying Pizza Hut needed.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hey Stranger!
is this you?!
wow, it's been sooo long!
how i've longed to get on you and write-write away!
and now i FINALLY have a (short) chance!
now that i'm FINALLY on...
i don't remember what i wanted to talk about...
especially since i'm sick-bleh.
well, ONE thing i wanted to talk about was how i wanted to start a newer blog.
i don't know if it's a good idea though...
but since i've been personally soul-searching for a few years...
why not write about my ups and downs since becoming a teenager?
who knows? maybe it'll help other teen girls who keep changing their:
will anyone even relate to any of this??
i hope so.
cross your fingers
and follow if you're feeling it!
i'll start it when i can...
and write more random rants ASAP.
toodles for now!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thank You Emily!

okay so i got your lovely compliment!
but was @ school so couldnt respond.
still can't cause i gotta get ready for work!
and wont be home til closing!
but i couldn't find your comment.
but just wanted to thank you for it!
it was really sweet.
and i do love your blog!
okay, gotta get ready!
thanks again!

I'm on Bloglovin'!

Follow my blog with bloglovin

i think this is a necessity...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thank You Indie Cupcake!

i love reading indie's blogs!
(and the fact that she comments the most on my blog!)
haha, but seriously-her blogs are down-to-earth and cute!
definitely something to love,
especially something so genuine from a stranger i don't even know!
check out her blog!

A, "BAM!" Emeril Would Be Proud of!

this edited picture sucks...

anywho, i got a ceasar salad
but had forgotten how BLAND the dressing is!
it's like...semi-creamy lettuce.
nowhere near the creamy-ness of ranch
and no taste!

i was mad @ the salad,
and decided to try a little something...
why not?

so when our waitress accidentally put a lemon wedge in my sweet tea,
even though i told her not to,
i used that lemon wedge and squeezed it all over my salad.
then added a little bit of salt, pepper, and extra croutons.
it was funnyt-tasting @ first...
but then i got used to it,
and it was amazing and fresh.
yummy zestiness!
i'd definetley eat my creation again!

Oprah's Muffin Manifesto

i read an oprah article i just happened to find
and was quite inspiring!

it's about a woman who always found baking
as a stress-reliever,
especially during hard times!

her article has many asthetics,
very yummy asthetics indeed!

and her last paragraph was very inspiring!
but the reason why that whole article was even written,
was because she told her friends,
and they thought of her as a womens' rights opperssionalist!
are you kidding me?!
JUST because she likes to bake?!

but it was a good article...
and made me wanna try her spiced banana walnut muffin recipe that's @ the end of the article,
as well as applesauce muffins,
and dried fruit in muffins!

did you know the more spots on a banana, then the sweeter the banana muffin will be?

here's the article:

Are You TRYING to Make me Love You Miley Cyrus?!

why miley?

i don't like miley cyrus as an actor, singer,
or anything much for that matter...
but she's starting to cling to me!
she's attaching!
she's attaching!!

her clothes @ wal-mart?
i spotted them and fell in love with SOO many of her pieces...
and guess what?
it's her brand!

i don't care anymore though.
i've learned to accept it.
so once i cash in my check,
i'm going to shop shop shop!
(...with a few additions from miley's collection i guess...)

Modern Family

Who else is liking the show so far??

(reminds you of, "The Office", no?)

The Reactions to Beyonce's, "Single Ladies" Kills Me!

butterfinger's site has funny videos!
i've always wanted to check them out,
but kept forgetting.
logging into yahoo today,
i saw a thumbnail for a little baby dancing to Single Ladies!
it's hilarious!
this baby's trying to move...
check it out!

Baby Dances To Beyonce @ Yahoo! Video

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Lovebird Zoey and Inspirations

this is my lovely lovebird, Zoey!
she's about 5-6 years old.

isn't she cute?!

and quite the fiesty type, haha!
she growls when you mess with her toys...
plays around
i just love her so much!

i ended up youtubing videos about lovebirds
in a frenzied passion,
and i found a girl who taught her lovebird some amazing
(and VERY cute)

This Heart, It Beats [for This Blog]

another blog that makes me have a short term memory when loging onto blogger.
i'm ready to write when i get on...
...but then i check out an update or two...
then i'm like, "oh! new post from_____!"
then i'm distracted, haha!
i love emily's blog though!
one of my favorites to read,
for sure.
i love the fact that she always take these awesome pictures
for us to gaze
and be jealous at.
so true!
he blog is down-to-earth.
reminds me of emma's blog too!
(earlier post)
check BOTH of them out!
there's more to come!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No Such Classier Fruit

during one of my classes,
i was looking through a magazine
filled with food.
and i saw pictures of baked pears similar to this picture.
(which also reminded me of baked apples-pictured above)

this food just looks so elegant, sohpisticated, and warm.
like, it was meant to be the classic autum fruit food.
like, it's whole look just says, "oh yes, once i return from my day @ Tiffanys,
i think i'll prepare a baked pear on my finest china
by the fire
in my lovely rich candy apple red cashmire sweater...."
it just looks so rich.
eye candy for me.
am i the only one that feels this way about baked pears??

Ohmigosh! I LOVE the Blogs I Follow!

i was planning on taking a nap before work,
but we've just got home not too long ago.
no nap for me...
oh well.

i've just had this rush of things to write about!
rush i tell you!
when getting on blogger,
i usually check out the newest updates of my favorite blogs.
so that's what i did as soon as i got home...
and i see this beautiful owl necklace
as a thumbnail picture from emma's lovely blog:
very. much.
and she's giving out this golden owl necklace/clock! you have any clue how hard it is to find owl jewelry?!
...i have to make a fricken owl necklace in jewelry!
i like my owl piece i'm making,
but emma's giveaway runs laps around my pityful thing.
what is a better time than now to write about emma and how much i love her blog??
i promise this isn't a suck-up scandal.
but i was planning on writing about all the bloggers' posts i just
cannot wait to read!
so i'll start on emma's now,
since she's made my heart skip a beat! haha!
her posts really did catch my eyes,
she became an inspiration for me
with photos,
her amazing writing style (jealous!),
hence my new leaf-turning...
and her thrift finds!
makes me wanna hunt in thrift shops
once i have moolah in my pokemon wallet.
her blogs are amazing though.
despite her giveaway.
if i comment on about five of your posts
on my first visit to your blog,
then you have won my heart.