MINI's Mixtape

Friday, July 31, 2009

[Another Love @ First Sight]: Animal Cloud Converse!!

i believe in love @ first sight
when it comes to spying things you reeeeally love
and as soon as you lay eyes on it,
your mind wonders rarely on anything else!

like these animal cloud converse...i saw them in a magazine and DIED.

i know i probably stared @ that page for...5 minutes?


i MUST have them!

they're sooo cute && creative!!


possible birthday gift??


Don't Forget: 08.31.09

that's the last day to get on itunes and download
NYLON's summer playlist '09.
22 free songs from different artists.
i liked most of the songs and artists
so why not try out the new music??
it's one of my older post...
one of the oldest actually.
so check out the songs and the link
on that old post.
there's seriously NOTHING to lose.
Song of the day: Thunderheist-Jerk It
one of the songs on the playlist-i think it's the next club hit!
and perfect to listen to in the car while driving @ night.
also another favorite from those 22 songs is:
Of Montreal-For Our Elegant Caste
LOVE it's up-beat tune and random lyrics!
i have to dance to it in the car-
my body won't allow anything else when it's on!
and share the love of music!

Silent Hill 3!!! *Faints*

sooo, i forgot how me and my boyfriend got on the topic of Silent Hill 3 while IMing last night, but we did. it's always been a game that i was curious about-depsite my fear of playing horror games! i mean, i even read a whole Silent Hill 3 booklet guide in a gamer magazine once-front to back-and had the jell-o bones once i was finished reading...and that was just a BOOKLET GUIDE!!
so, i'll go ahead and go for the gusto, haha! i AM curious about it, and i'll @ LEAST watch my boyfriend play it, ha.
i don't know though, once we get our hands on it i might freak. especially if I'M the one in control of the little virtua-person! i think that's what scares me most when it comes to playing scary games...i'm in control. so i think of that character i'm controling as myself...which doen't help matter in the least! hahaha! we'll see though.
years ago, i bought a Tomb Raider game, and while walking outside a ruin, the music changed-NOT a good sign. so i spazzed a little...i slowly edged forward...
then out of NOWHERE, on
e of those possesed dogs as tall as me on all fours, with GLOWING red eyes started snapping @ me!
i screamed, slammed my hand down onto the keyboard of my lap top (@ an attempt to shut it off), and closed the screen as fast as i could. i'm pretty sure in my frantic "escape" i wasn't susccessful!
but hey, if we can rent it, it's worth a shot!
i've been watching Silent Hill 3 youtube videos and googling it on and off to get prepared.
get hyped for demonized nurses!!

wish me luck...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

this boot right here, it's another "love @ first sight"
like that forever21 tunic i talked about.
i saw it earlier in the week @ the mall.
....but then i saw the price.
...then it didn't look so cute.
but then, i started checking all around its pedastal
to see if there was a clearance...
i mean, there HAD to be!
but there wasn't...
...which pissed me off
cause i wanna start wearing some cowboy boots.
no one i've seen @ school wears 'em,
and i'd like to since that's the case.
wear something new from everyone else.
but they're just so DARN expensive!
by some maricle i hope the price goes down...
...waaaaay down!

Remorseful Regret

this top.
right here.
can be considered one of my many
"love @ first sight" deals.

it is...
...or more like, was @ forever21.

i really liked it when i first saw it,
no, LOVED it!

i can think of soooo many thing that could go w/it.
-ankle cowboy boots
-baggy woven hat and some sandals
-suade booties w/tassles
-and soooo much more
so i decided to wait last year until i had the money for it.
but one day @ school,
i saw @ least 3 to 4 girls with the exact same tunic i wanted.
in the same day.

a complete turn-off.
but my heart hungered for it more and more.
now, i'm pretty sure it's gone.
and it sucks.
big time.

maybe someday we'll reunite.

YES! The Circus is FINALLY in Town!

the circus has inspired me for a few years now. haha, i kinda got mad when i heard of Brittney's circus song, i was all like, "hey! the circus is MY thing!"

i think it all started after my photograhy project on Mary Ellen Mark (she inspired me that much!) about two years ago.

all of those pictures she took @ circuses and institutions really intrigued me. before my circus inspiration, i had (and still have) an interest in being creative when it comes to stories and movies about hauntings and little children with gifts...kinda like in pokemon? with that gym leader Sabrina from that ghost town?? or i had a pokemon comic book that had a pokemon who was eating a girl from the soul on out slowly...

or the face-eater in the spirit world on the avatar-that's a good example...
but strange things like that, maybe even starting out living w/the circus.

...ooor movies with strange little kids with just odd-ness and jack-in-the-box background music.

i don't believe in that type of stuff, but making a story with those types of settings really make me wanna write a story that sucks you in like that!
i just don't know where to start...with that or the whole circus story or fashion.

and i may not have the story line down still, but i DO have a clothing line coming out to look forward to...

Forever 21 has come out w/a brand inspired by the circus!

it has that old-world circus feel to a lot of their clothes in their brand-

just the way i like it!

right when you go to their site, a "billboard" displays their circus ensembles.

i can't wait to get my hands on them!

....the odd story-writing will just have to take a backseat until brilliance hits, haha.

PS-all of this scariness talk makes me want to write a post about "Silent Hill 3" and how it makes me feel...i'll probably do that!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Easy Pancakes = Easy Happiness

i had to share this pancake recipe with everyone. it's not only super easy to make, but it's also super yummy! believe it or not, i got it from Yahooanswers then tweaked it a bit to make it quite delicious. try making it tomorrow during Wednesday (aka-Hump Day) or just when you're craving them (I think i'll make some tonight). but they are really easy and really good and i needed to share. i felt so bad when in my nutrition class, we made pancakes for fun and they were SO DRY! i shouldv'e made mine version so my group members could've @ least tried them...
but i'll have my chance to share again.
so here's the recipe:
Good Old-Fashioned Pancakes
(makes 8-10 pancakes)
* 1 & 1/2 cups all-purpose flour***
* 3 & 1/2 teaspoons baking powder***

* 1 teaspoon salt

* 3 & 1/2 tablespoons white sugar

* 1 & 1/4 cups milk

* 1 egg

* 3 tablespoons butter, melted

* vanillia extract (for flavor)-optional


1. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, salt, and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg, vanilla, and melted butter; mix until smooth (there will be lumps; smash them out a bit if you want).

2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over a medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle (as little or big as you's like).

***when i make my pancakes, i prefer to use self-rising flour and take out the baking soda.
that way, i don't have to worry about the batter having a baking soda taste, aaand it'll still rise.
enjoy, have fun cooking...AND eating!

Accidental Accomplishments!

i hate when i accidentally draw something good, haha!
like, if it's an assignment, i keep messing up...
...but if i'm doodling on the side of my math homework,
i'll draw something amazing! just ends up on the wrong sheet of paper!
i was in the middle of reading my summer reading book,
and was curious if i could even draw less manga-looking people.
the only time i have been able to was when i drew my self portait,
but i had a picture to go off of.
this was just to see how all the elements of the human face
that i've taught myself how to draw would look
together on a face.
but sometimes, even then, i mess up the hair or the facial structure.
but i didn't on my notebook doodle!
i was planning on doing a picture like the one i drew above
on my planner collage,
but i'm still gonna use it on there.
i really love it though.
sometimes accidents can work out just fine.

New Addition: Trapped in My Closet

i decided to make a weekly, "item of the week" type post. and i'd display things i find in my closet or on/in my shelves. this week, i'm show-casing: my feather headband!
i bought it @ Target in the clearance rack; $7 i'm pretty sure. once i get my hair down, i can't wait to wear it! i wanted a feather headband that reminded me an owl (since i love all things owl) and was a bit more subtle than the HUGE feather handbands...
i personally really love it though! i'm surprised i haven't seen anyone that i can remember @ school with a feather headband on before....and my school has 3,400 kids in it!
so you're always seeing something of yours on someone else.
but i really love it though, glad it's mine!


so i forgot to write about this dream i had two night ago, but i had a semi-normal dream for once!

i usually have them and they make no sense what-so-ever, but this time, the beginning made sense @ least...sorta, haha.
so it started with me performing in a orchestra concert...except i was playing the cello (i play the viola). and my stand partner was this boy from choir...who's not in orchestra...
so anyway, he and i were waiting for the rest of the orchestra to finish up, so we could play in the next song. and while we were, the boy from choir class started changing the music...., he took an Xbox remote and the sheet music notes and title would change. not only that, but the background of the notes and title would light up like fiber optic lights everytime he would "change channels".
i think i was too mesmerized to tell him to turn back to the proper music. it was pretty dim during the concert afterall, and so the lights stood out more. that's all i remember before waking up, haha.
it was weird though...pretty, but weird.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Heads Up!

i cannot believe that we might actually be getting a dog later this year! it will be a yorkie. the family that is offering us the puppy just told us saturday that they were expecting a litter. i'm not trying to get my hopes up too high though...
but i can't hide the fact that i am excited! it's actually tangible now. my mom and i looked at the dog stuff @ target and it just feels so different now that were serious about it.
we're praying about it and that everything goes smoothly.
cross your fingers for us!

FINALLY: Mary Ellen Mark

i don't know if this has ever happened to anyone else, but during a photography project, i just couldn't stop researching...
we had to do a bio on a photographer, and i decided to do mine on Mary Ellen Mark i was trying to remember her name and it was killing me that i couldn't remember it... i found my project on this computer haha.
her photography was based on emotionalism, and i just couldn't get enough of her stories or photography!
here's a copy and paste of my summary about her:
"Mary Ellen Mark came from an unstable family and had a father who went in and out of the hospital all the time. Life for her was lonely and isolated; by age eight, she told herself she was getting out. Later in her life, her father was put into a mental institution for depression, which made Mark’s interest for mentally ill people grow. Soon, Mark would be handed a full scholarship to Annenberg School for Communication (at a unit of Penn). She greatly thanks Gilbert Seldes (first Dean of Penn) for the scholarship and remembers two great teachers from the school that influenced her. Lou Glessman who taught visual communications and Lou Barlow who taught TV.
A photographer who is considered a photojournalist and portraitist captured homelessness, loneliness, drug addiction, and prostitution all behind her lens did it in a form of Emotionalism. World events that many people aren’t aware of, but Mark helped to raise awareness for. She liked taking pictures of teens best because their emotions were so transparent. Even though she bonded with the people she photographed, a child prostitute and drug addict named “Tiny” was a 13-year-old girl Mark thought about adopting. She didn’t want to leave the streets, but brought Mark closer to her subjects

“Mary Ellen Mark.” Wikipedia. 15 November 2007. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 12 January 2008 <>.

Vettese, John. “Mary Ellen Mark: Biography.” Mary Ellen Mark. 2001. Photography @ Temple. 13 January 2008 <>.

Biberman, Jane. “Through a Lens Compassionately.” Pennsylvania Gazette Feb. 1992

Bell, Martin. Zooming in on Mary Ellen Mark

Mark, Ellen Mary. Laurie in a Ward 81 bathtub. Salem, Oregon. 1976.

Mark, Ellen Mary. Tiny. Seattle. 1983.

Mark, Ellen Mary. Students picking flower at a Special School for the Blind Children No. 5 in Kiev. Ukraine. 1987.
to me, it's so brave to be face-to-face w/an interest like she does...
like any photographer does...
and get sooo close to their subjects during such hard times
and still take natural pictures with real meaning
both figuratively and literally.
what she captures is what i call art.

Busy, Busy, Bus-Oooh the Colors....

as i sit here and drink my Maxwell French Roast (the type of roast for me, that gave me my ephihany to why people drink two or more cups of coffee a day) and wish for a Long doughnut, i realize that i have a lot running through my mind- A LOT.

i woke up from this weird dream i had (will explain in a later post). and then soon after that, i kept coming up w/new ideal additions to my blog (have filled up a whole sheet of paper w/ideas). also, i've been thinking of another very minor dilemma i was having... and where to start w/my collage for my planner, haha!

i drew a picture yesterday-one of those i wanna doodle for the heck of it drawings-and i think i'll color it in as best i can and put it in my collage. then i decided i wanted to draw a jones soda bottle on my collage...which got my mind racing AGAIN about how much i love jones soda (ooh! another blog topic!) hold on...

*writes down*

then how i haven't done a set on in a minute dispite my love for putting outfits the simple things in life make me soo happy like:

  • my blue lava lamp that i watch before going to bed

  • jones soda Valentines kit (this was a jones soda after-thought)

  • having a little bamboo plant to care for

things like that makes me happy...and the sky was white today...there were clouds out but the sky blue sky was...white!

so much to think about!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm Losing It....

i seriosuly can't remember if i posted a link to this
yet or not,
but it's about
faux bangs.
i saw a video on youtube
and felt soooo stupid for not thinking
of it myself!
all you basically need is a haeadband, rat tail comb (to part hair),
and a rubber band.
and you can fake a bang.
i'm definitley gonna try it
once i get my hair flat-pressed!
so easy:

This Made My Day!

apparently, this was a Super Bowl commercial,
but i must have missed it.
i'm sooo glad i caught it on MTV!
it made me cry it was so funny!
especially the 4th inncident.

have fun sharing this link!