MINI's Mixtape

Friday, September 11, 2009

So This is Where it Begins

how long has it been??
over a week?
thank you all that follow!
my follower count has been increasing,
and i really appreciate the readers!
especially since i haven't been giving you anything new to read in awhile...

it's gotten to the point that so much has been going on,
i've had to resort to writing blog posts in photoshop...
which is what i am doing now, haha!

SOONER OR LATER, i'll be writing a wrap-up.
i've wrote just about a page of things to eventually write about.
so there shall be fresh stuff.
fo sho.

peace for now!

P.S.- the picture is of a falafel, a story i was to write last wednesday!  more to come!
now, back to photoshop.


Thursday, September 10, 2009


the Blogger birthday cake makes me hungry everytime i look @ it!
i don't know why...
but cartoon pictures on yellow cakes with chocolate icing
always seem to have an ideal taste to me.
even though it is just a cartoon.
haha i always have this same idea of how it would taste if it were real!
haha, i don't know.
i'm goofy,
but it's the truth.
okay, NOW goodnight all.
got in too late to tell the story of my day @ work. no worries though! i WILL get to it and i must say, i'm quite blessed. note to self: falafel, DQ, puppies...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

i hope this's mobile blogger!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Turning a New Leaf

yay over 90 posts!
thanks everyone who follows and reads!
i'm thinking about making some changes with my blog though...

like, my writing style.
i want it to be intriguing,
and it's not.
well, in my eyes it's not.

so i say it's time for a little leaf-turning.
time to change ny writing style and everything.
i'm even gonna be a beast and try to make a kickass banner!
woot woot!
wish me luck on this blog project!
...aaand on getting up tomorrow for school.
self note: STILL need to write about work, falafels, and puppies...
okay, i'm about to grab some milk and a chunky dark chocolate and pecan cookie.
then hittin' the sack.
toodles all.
give me feedback whether or not my writing seems different.
better or worse.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Charlie Brown "Hey Ya" Remix!

if you haven't seen this...
....then you've been missing out!
i love this video!
it's the perfect remixed video!!

Seth Green: : Leave Chris Crocker Alone!!!

this is a parody of that Chris Crocker guy that told everyone on youtube to leave Brittney alone!
it's hilarious.
and so is the show, "The Soup"!
they make fun of celebs, TV shows, people, and news...
kinda like BMZ but funnier @ times.
especially the host, Joel Mchale!
LOVE him!

Oh! One More Thing...Item of the Week!

my lemon earrings!
they used to be my mom's.
but they're mine now!
i'm actually wearing them in my default picture right now.
makes me think of summer
which makes me think of lemonade!
zesty, right?

Continued...DQ, Tailgate, AND A Sprinkle of Doc Martens

hey all!
these are the last of my pictures i wish to share...
...for now, haha.

so these are pictures from the tailgate!
usually the school-ran tailgates SUCK.
like, "hey I'm the priciapal-wanna hot dog?"
then you dance
and sit
and call it a night if you're not going to the game...
but THIS year,
they had
caramel apples,
chips and pretzels,
lemonade shakeups,
hot dogs,
DJing from our radio station,
competions like hoola hooping and dance marathon,
charity money-rasing,
face painting,
and dressing up in a super hero theme for the game later on that night...
ALL of that AND the game for a measley $5!!!
i was blown-a-way.
it was SO much more fun than past tailgates though.
ESPECIALLY with Tracy T. there! She MADE the tailgate!
along with awesome Lindsay G.
they're both awesome!
loved it,
and the game.
never again will i stand with the juniors section though.
sooo irritating!
it was all fun though!
now about DQ :
i'm working two days next week!
my first job-i'm pretty optimistic,
but i guess that'll pass.
i don't know though,
it IS moolah!
i was told not to be discouraged
if the work becomes monotonous.
cleaning bathrooms, dipping dilly bars, putting ice cream sandwitches together...
but i'm pumped!
Doc Martens:
now i KNOW i could get them cheaper if they were used...
but I wanna breathe life into them.
a new pair just screaming to be broken in.
and have a story to tell,
just like a diary...
...but w/shoes.
that's what i think will count in their long lives with me.
once i get my hands ont them!
okay, i'm done w/personals for now

Back on Track #1-Praying Mantis

i named him Casio,
due to his constant attacks to my camera he attempted
wheneve i flashed the camera in his face, hahaha!
isn't he tiny and cute?!
watching him hop onto my CASIO camera
(hence his name)
and seeing him follow my grandpa's bright orange shirt with his head!
get this:
he wouldn't get in the grass,
so i set him down into a bush
and the next day he was there!
and even the FOLLOWING night,
eating a fruit fly on the porch.
it was a fufilling moment
...moments, haha!
i just LOVE praying mantises!