MINI's Mixtape

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Oldies Toys: Hit Clips!

who remembers these??
lol these things were HUGE back in the day!
it was SO half-a**ed...
yet it sold! hahaha!
only ONE ear bud,
30 seconds of a song...
i think they made new extended versions sooner or later, right?
but yeah,
it went from the micro mini,
to little boom boxes,
and even a robot!
that "danced" to the music...
(i had them all, haha).
crazy toy though,
whoo N'Sync!

You Shall Soon Be MINE

Dr. Marten Inspired

Dr. Marten Inspired by minimouse2105 featuring Monsoon accessories

Autum and Martens
Autum and Martens by minimouse2105 featuring Vince

i made these sets on polyvore...
i would SO wear this stuff!
...just a few outfits i'm thinking up
for when i can FINALLY get my hands on a pair of
dr. martens!
since i have a job now,
(don't worry Mike, i'll turn in my papers ASAP!)
sooner or later be able to pay for them.
and once i can, i'll start with a black pair
and build up from there
with a white pair and a red pair...
yes, these ACTUALLY came with pictures (the sets) from,
but they didn't show up right.
yes, YES muwahahahaha!!!
can't wait!
they were made to be broken in by me!

Friday Night Lights and Such-To Be Continued...

there's been SO MUCH going on the past two to three days...
i have SO much to share!
i've been just jotting things down until i could find the TIME to talk about it.
...i still kinda can't,
because i have to upload my pictures from the camera
so you can be visually amazed while reading, haha.
so here's a quick recap of things i can remember but need pictures for until next time:

i got a job @ DQ-FINALLY A JOB,
the tiny praying mantis with lots of moxie that has STAYED by the house for three days straight,
our first homegame plus the BESt tailgate party by the school EVER,
this holiday's plans,
i KNOW there's more...
i WILL remember.
until then, i'll write about things i DO have pictures for!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


so yesterday was pretty flipping amazing.
but it's SUPER late...
should've BEEN in bed!
but i have a buttload of work to do.
i'll guess i'll just have to race through it all the rest of this week...
an econ test today, a HIGHLY detailed paper due thursday,
art project, art club entry project...
once friday comes along.
i'll be hyped for more than just the tailgate and 1st homegame...

Monday, August 31, 2009

What the Heck is a Hookah??

oh yeah,
P.S.- i found out that what the caterpillar smokes in cinderella is called a hookah!
some kids in my honors english class were talking about it.
and i was like, "is this some smoking craze??"
i googled it and found it.
i saw some kids on facebook use it.
apparentley a lot of people use it in my peer group.
well, @ least it's legal i guess...
i don't smoke,
but i found it intriguing, haha!
learned something new today.
what the hookah was and who uses it.

YES! I Like Yogurt!

so instead of talking about my blah monday,
where i did absolutely nothing productive...
i'm going to talk about yogurt instead.
believe it or not,
i'm one of those weirdos that wants to like to eat something
even though her tastebuds disagree with that particular food.
i don't know why, but when a certain food attracts me,
and i wanna eat it?
but i don't like it?
it'll frustrate me, haha!
i always think of yogurt being a healthly little snack...
but i've always HATED it.
i've tried and tried...
i just don't like it...
BUT, since i don't like fruit
(which sucks cause i also think it looks so neat when someone can bring in an orange or a bag of blueberries and just dig in to something so healthy and enjoy it so much!)
i have to @ least like yogurt.
i tried dannons...
then i got yoplait in harvest peach
and took it home and froze it.
it was delicious!
i'd perfer it creamy though, as opposed to ice-y.
it was good though.
and i looked on the site, and the cancer caps
(where you mail in the tops to donate cash for breast cancer?)
is coming up verry soon-sometime this fall.
i killed two birds with one stone!
i'm a champion!
now, i must go.
i need to get SOME work done!
as well as eating my kosher dog with chips and dip.
now, the dip i use is philly cream cheese called, "onions and chives"
it's SOOO good with ruffles!
sooooo creamy...
does anyone else use this as a chip dip??
well, toodles!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Get Down Oriental Dude!

i love this video!
i've seen this asian man more and more lately in commercials.
it's about time his hilarious butt get out there some more!
this it the first commercial i can remember him doing-
loved it!
raise the roof, raise the roof!


my head was in the clouds this weekend.
nothing much happened...
i went to the mall looking like a bum.
cause i thought we were just going to my aunt's house.
guess not.
oh, and of course, i saw a bunch of people i knew!
got invited to my first slumber party in YEEEARS.
can't wait.
i believe it's next weekend.
i haven't hung out with friends in about a year or two.
sad i know, haha.
let's see...i told you guys about falling in love with the two pairs of shoes...
and on friday my boyfriend's team won against several odds.
get to see my lovely boy play for the first time this season
@ his first home game.
and it's with a top ranked school.
they're probably thinking, "gulp!"
but i have faith!
oh, and i got glass stuck in my foot on friday as well.
i'm okay now of course.
it's all good.
then my mind's been racing.
like CRAZY!
like this:
" i miss Jules (my boyfriend) this weekend, it's so chilly out we could do something cozy i wonder when we'll get to do our apple pie-baking and scary movie/video game home date? it'll be so fun and the whether ugh chilly and sucky that means fried apples, apple cider, hot cocoa yummy! it'll be a fun autum geez i need some moolah to get everything i wanna obtain in life i wonder if i'll ever get that tattoo or a simple rook piercing? that would be lovely i need to get my blog going too need more followers! but how? and i'm missing my boyfriend again-need to go to his homegames and have breakfast @ original house of pancakes food food food food food food yummy! i want to cook now and play guitar hero but no one will play with me! oh a slumber party, hope i have fun i'm hyped...."
so yeah, along the lines of that ALLLLL weekend!
okay, i'm done.
one more video and i'm gone.
and now monday's approaching.
ta da!

SMOSH Rocks-Pokemon Theme

probably after this
i'll post one more for the night
and do a wrap-up of my weekend.
and thus, start the week over later tonight.
this one has over 7million hits!
i love this video-these guys make me laugh!
i really want one of their tshirts!
but it brings back memories too,
of still having: the pokedex, that same hat, the same pikachu, pokeball.
i'm a pokemon maniac!

Pokemon Parody: Teh Pokemon

another video i'd like to share
is a pokemon parody.
for both pokemon lovers and haters alike!
it's one of those videos that are so stupid, that it's funny.
SORTA like charlie the unicorn
i personally think this is funnier though.
i found this one around 2 or 3 years ago:

Spice Up

so since things have been so
i decided to look through my "favoirtes" on youtube,
and share it with my readers!
some are popular,
others are my own versions of funny.
while others are Joel Michale-related from the show,
which i love because they make fun of celebs and reality shows!
a good weekly laugh.
the first laugh you'll recieve is this video my cousin sent me MONTHS ago.
of a man snorting wasabi:

Murky Monday & Rewind

so monday's coming up.
not really prepared haha!
that show, "modern familes" is coming on soon!
and sooner or later ANTM w/the shorties!
otherwise, i didn't really get to much this weekend...
i got quite an arm workout earlier this week.
i decided to make alton brown's version of hollandaise sauce.
took about 30-45 minutes of nonstop stirring...
then sawing in jewelry, grinding away @ my viola in orchestra...
so much tricep and bicep workouts!
i meant to write about how a few weekends ago i fed the ducks.
and how everyone should give it a go.
it's fun to watch the ducks,
most of the time i talk to them, haha!
well, that's all for now.
HOPEFULLY i can write more later!
cause i have a few more things to say.
for now, i've got to get ready for school.