MINI's Mixtape

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Friday Night Lights and Such-To Be Continued...

there's been SO MUCH going on the past two to three days...
i have SO much to share!
i've been just jotting things down until i could find the TIME to talk about it.
...i still kinda can't,
because i have to upload my pictures from the camera
so you can be visually amazed while reading, haha.
so here's a quick recap of things i can remember but need pictures for until next time:

i got a job @ DQ-FINALLY A JOB,
the tiny praying mantis with lots of moxie that has STAYED by the house for three days straight,
our first homegame plus the BESt tailgate party by the school EVER,
this holiday's plans,
i KNOW there's more...
i WILL remember.
until then, i'll write about things i DO have pictures for!


  1. yo that means i free vanilla ice cream yay lol just playing, sounds like alot of stuff :D can't wait to see pics

  2. lol oh no!
    I HOPE so!
    discount on Blizzards or SOMETHING, cause they're So expensive-this month's Blizzard is Cookie Jar (oreo, cookie dough, and chocolate syurp in vanilla soft serve).

    and thanks, SHOULD be up shortly-get hyped!
