MINI's Mixtape

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Not Asking for Much

it's ridiculous how a simple day can make me happy.
don't get me wrong-shopping sprees and elegant restaurants are all fine and dandy.
but simple days can be just right for me-especially if it goes right.
i'd start my day getting up in the morning and turning my boom box on
to some crazy 1940s jazz.
you know, when it's only a sax playing
and symbols being rubbed together.
very...blues like and calm.

i'd wear something saturday-worthy.
like short shorts...which wouldn't really be too short on me.
due to my arm and leg ratio, I can't wear almost any type of short
but bremuda shorts @ school due to the fingertip rule.

so that weekend i'd let loose.
try to be comfortable in some shorts
(since i rarely wear them).
with a long-sleeved top to balance out my attire, haha!
get a few to go cups of Dulce de Leche creamer
and head out to the used bookstore.

in the mornings, they have three different types of coffee brewing.
and it smelled sooo good while i was trying to choose a book for english!
quite distracting.
so i'd grab me a cup of joe
once i sat down with a few book nominees
and choose one or two to buy
based on reading the first chapter.

for breakfast i'd head across the street to Original House of Pancakes.
and buy some milk, pancakes with strawberry syrup and whipped cream
and some bacon.
their breakfast makes my day!

just recently, i've started mapping out places to prowl
for nifty thrift-type shops.
in my area.

because the more blogs i read,
the more i hear about amazing finds.
so i'm about to find some treasure for myself
in second-hand shops.

there's one right next to the bookstore i haven't looked in yet.
so i'd shop around in there.

now, just a guesstimate...

thrift shopping........$30.00 (?)

total: $54

not a bad day @ ALL!
might even head to my local sushi bar with some peeps, huh?

Pictures Included

of course,
when i have all the time in the world
on someone else's computer...
i don't have my USB cable
my book of blog topics i've been jotting down.
they will come though,
not to worry!

Friday, September 18, 2009

You Wanna Stand on Your Tippy Toes in Ballerina Shoes THAT Bad?!

i saw these on ANTM last week.
they were white though.
same rediculous 90 degree angle "heel"...
but just in white.
the girl who had to pull them off
inspired Chanel Iman
her picture was AMAZING.
i guess the positive attitude,
and courage to wear these heels
really paid off
to inspire a supermodel!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thanks Y!A, for the Bittersweet Egg in My Face!

is like a life line for me.
hahaha, no lie!

that's seriously where i find most of my recipes,
reviews...anything just about.
my boyfriend can predict when i'm about to mention it.

that's how dependent i am on it, haha!

well, i used it for an exciting purpose early this morning...
i got into the lookbook community!

all i did was type in, "recent invite code"
and someone gave it out for the world to see...
so i took it and rand with it.

used it,
and got, "congratulations! you're in the lookbook community!"
i got SO excited!

typing MY OWN "about me"
and MY OWN title for fututre pictures...
...made my heart flutter
*sniff sniff*

now mind you...
this is where the bittersweet pasrt comes into play...
i am SO excited to even have the opprotunity to post on there.
(and have an easier access to hyping things and favoriting
without it feeling like i'm on the outside looking in)
but i just googled, ""
and just looking @ those pictures gave me literal chills.
i am not that good.
i am an ameture.
i am aware of this-
and the fact that i have B-I-G shoes to fill.
...this scares me.
i mean, i like getting inspired...
and taking pictures
and editing them (thankyouphotoshopclass!).
it's just that i think they'll stand out like a sore neon thumb.
i'm keeping my account on the DL.
cause i have plenty of good finds i'd love to share!
...just not right now.
not too confident
to be standing with the big kids
on that site.
i am grateful for it though.
i'll just stick with my blog for now until those photos are ready, okay?

Cell Update

i have been starting a lot of drafts in my photoshop class & have pictures to edit! can't wait to actually get through it COMPLETELY though. later!

Cell Update

i wanna blog so bad! but everything is stoping me from doing so...i hate that all of my readers have to go through this BS. i'm not @ my best potential.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Eat Your Heart Out Dakota Fanning

believe it or not,
this is the girl from
i can't remember what started it...
...but i reeeeally wanna see the movie again...
i researched more on the little fireball.
her real name is: Isabelle Fuhrman
and no, she is not some foreign Russian actress,
she's American.
(i know, amazing accent, right?!)
and she's only 12!
i have fell in love with her!
she's SOOO passionate about her work as an actress.
i looked up some interviews of her on youtube.
it's like night and day.
you see? actors and actresses that
become someone else in a film
or on stage
steal my whole entire heart.
it really inspires me to want to become an actress.
...although i've never acted before...
...because i become a puddle in front of people...
but it is a beautiful thing.
yes yes.
Isabelle Fuhrman
is up there on my favorite acting preformances
along with Heath Ledger
playing the Joker.
it still blows my mind even to this day!
good job girl,
keep it up!
i'll be waiting.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cell Update

i would write a blog right about now, while i'm waiting for my ramen to cool off... but mom's nagging me to death. so it's not gonna happen soon. ugh.