MINI's Mixtape

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Lovebird Zoey and Inspirations

this is my lovely lovebird, Zoey!
she's about 5-6 years old.

isn't she cute?!

and quite the fiesty type, haha!
she growls when you mess with her toys...
plays around
i just love her so much!

i ended up youtubing videos about lovebirds
in a frenzied passion,
and i found a girl who taught her lovebird some amazing
(and VERY cute)

This Heart, It Beats [for This Blog]

another blog that makes me have a short term memory when loging onto blogger.
i'm ready to write when i get on...
...but then i check out an update or two...
then i'm like, "oh! new post from_____!"
then i'm distracted, haha!
i love emily's blog though!
one of my favorites to read,
for sure.
i love the fact that she always take these awesome pictures
for us to gaze
and be jealous at.
so true!
he blog is down-to-earth.
reminds me of emma's blog too!
(earlier post)
check BOTH of them out!
there's more to come!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No Such Classier Fruit

during one of my classes,
i was looking through a magazine
filled with food.
and i saw pictures of baked pears similar to this picture.
(which also reminded me of baked apples-pictured above)

this food just looks so elegant, sohpisticated, and warm.
like, it was meant to be the classic autum fruit food.
like, it's whole look just says, "oh yes, once i return from my day @ Tiffanys,
i think i'll prepare a baked pear on my finest china
by the fire
in my lovely rich candy apple red cashmire sweater...."
it just looks so rich.
eye candy for me.
am i the only one that feels this way about baked pears??

Ohmigosh! I LOVE the Blogs I Follow!

i was planning on taking a nap before work,
but we've just got home not too long ago.
no nap for me...
oh well.

i've just had this rush of things to write about!
rush i tell you!
when getting on blogger,
i usually check out the newest updates of my favorite blogs.
so that's what i did as soon as i got home...
and i see this beautiful owl necklace
as a thumbnail picture from emma's lovely blog:
very. much.
and she's giving out this golden owl necklace/clock! you have any clue how hard it is to find owl jewelry?!
...i have to make a fricken owl necklace in jewelry!
i like my owl piece i'm making,
but emma's giveaway runs laps around my pityful thing.
what is a better time than now to write about emma and how much i love her blog??
i promise this isn't a suck-up scandal.
but i was planning on writing about all the bloggers' posts i just
cannot wait to read!
so i'll start on emma's now,
since she's made my heart skip a beat! haha!
her posts really did catch my eyes,
she became an inspiration for me
with photos,
her amazing writing style (jealous!),
hence my new leaf-turning...
and her thrift finds!
makes me wanna hunt in thrift shops
once i have moolah in my pokemon wallet.
her blogs are amazing though.
despite her giveaway.
if i comment on about five of your posts
on my first visit to your blog,
then you have won my heart.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

5 Things

i haven't done a, "5 Things" in a looong while!
here are a few more things to get to know me better:

  1. i looove buttered pasta-cooked angelhair with butter and that popcorn butter i mentioned was heaven many posts back
  2. the elderly tug @ my heartstrings
  3. i love the smell of fresh soap (like original dove or leaver 2000)
  4. i keep recipes everywhere to someday try
  5. i cannot go without lip product-i CANNOT-NOT-STAND when my lips are chapped! P-E-R-I-O-D.

i've gotta act fast for now.

my mind's bursting with blog topics!

Some Day...Call Me Jimmi

my pictures will be on this level.

the fashion pictures on
are like art!

once i start taking awesome pictures
like this and others on lookbook,
i'm definitely making an alter ego name for myself:
i don't know if i had mentioned it earlier.
but that would mean so much if i could get up to that level
in the art industry (personally)-
especially with something i admire so much!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Brain Fart

well this sucks...
i'm out of things to write about!
maybe because it's getting late...
i don't know.
but i do know that it sure does suck!
i wanna show people what i can bring to the table!
...and as of now, it's not much, huh?
can't think of polyvore sets i'm inspired to make...
don't have time to "photoshop" pictures @ home...
i'm just gonna add blogs i read and call it a night.
well, night.

Outfit Gaga

kinda fuzzy...
i saw this outfit in seventeen magazine,
and was like, "i must put this together!"
i just need to find me a BRIGHT plaid top...
and i want a zebra scarf cause zebra's my signature print, haha!
it's hard to see,
but the girl has a studded purse.
i could live without the high-wasted shorts.
...high-wasted anything for that matter!
i'd just swap that for...ripped skinny jeans
(black, dark, or light)
ahhh yes...
i went gaga for it.

I'm Ready for Ink Right Noooow.... I'm Ready for Ink Right Noooow

the time is coming near

and i'm panicing!

i don't know what i want a tattoo of anymore,

or where to place it.

of course, i want the tattoo to be meaningful...

but cute and unique too!

i'd also like a peek-a-boo tattoo sometime down the line.

my tatted role models are Angelina J. and Rihanna.

especially Rihanna!

like the picture above??

i thought about getting a vertical tattoo along my side like that,

but from end of ribs, toward beginning of my hip.

i think that would be sexy...

but what to put?!

i thought about japanese of some sort that says, "living jewel", "gentle spirit", "sweet soul"

i don't know...

somthing along those lines!

and i've also thought of a pokeball (and MAYBE one or two pokemon)

because i truly think i've been brainwashed by them!

it's a huge part of my childhood.

and definitely more on the unique side, hahaha!

overall, if i like my first tattoo (whether: foot, behinf ear, finger, wrist, side, or hips...maybe one day all of these if i really like my tattoos!)

then i'd be more than happy to add an addition!

i think this one is cute!

very sophisticated...

but i don't wanna feel like a copy cat.

and ya know...the whole society thing too...


the finger, "shhh..." is genius!

but celebs start copying it!

and i definietly don't wanna be a follower!

i do love it though...

and thinking down the long run...
a, "on-top-of-shoulder" tattoo of sorts
(if i end up really diggin' being inked)
i'd definitely get something up there!
i think as long as they trail, and are vertical or horizontal small tats...
i'd be very happy with the outcomes i get.