MINI's Mixtape

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm Ready for Ink Right Noooow.... I'm Ready for Ink Right Noooow

the time is coming near

and i'm panicing!

i don't know what i want a tattoo of anymore,

or where to place it.

of course, i want the tattoo to be meaningful...

but cute and unique too!

i'd also like a peek-a-boo tattoo sometime down the line.

my tatted role models are Angelina J. and Rihanna.

especially Rihanna!

like the picture above??

i thought about getting a vertical tattoo along my side like that,

but from end of ribs, toward beginning of my hip.

i think that would be sexy...

but what to put?!

i thought about japanese of some sort that says, "living jewel", "gentle spirit", "sweet soul"

i don't know...

somthing along those lines!

and i've also thought of a pokeball (and MAYBE one or two pokemon)

because i truly think i've been brainwashed by them!

it's a huge part of my childhood.

and definitely more on the unique side, hahaha!

overall, if i like my first tattoo (whether: foot, behinf ear, finger, wrist, side, or hips...maybe one day all of these if i really like my tattoos!)

then i'd be more than happy to add an addition!

i think this one is cute!

very sophisticated...

but i don't wanna feel like a copy cat.

and ya know...the whole society thing too...


the finger, "shhh..." is genius!

but celebs start copying it!

and i definietly don't wanna be a follower!

i do love it though...

and thinking down the long run...
a, "on-top-of-shoulder" tattoo of sorts
(if i end up really diggin' being inked)
i'd definitely get something up there!
i think as long as they trail, and are vertical or horizontal small tats...
i'd be very happy with the outcomes i get.


  1. Im getting mine's soon too :eee!!! So excited! I like the ribcage to hipbone idea

  2. living jewel", "gentle spirit", "sweet soul" are great in no matter wat language
