MINI's Mixtape

Saturday, July 25, 2009

25 Things

  1. a pet peeve of mine is when people leave their pens uncapped when they're done using it.
  2. i LOVE seafood
  3. someday, i want to own an odd pet, like a chinchilla or skunk...or a bunny again, haha
  4. i love going into stores to look @: makeup, clothes, and writing untensils
  5. when i think of my future, i almost always think of myself being or doing something humble
  6. you don't mess with me when i'm hungry
  7. if you were to go through my ipod, you'd call me weird (all my friends do! haha!)
  8. it seems like whenever i like something, it becomes discontinued
  9. i have five piercings, but want more
  10. i randomly bust out in song although i can't sing
  11. my favorite scent is coconut
  12. my favorite jewel is jade
  13. favorite animal print: zebra
  14. animal: owl
  15. i'm always day-dreaming about something
  16. last yr. for halloween, i dressed up like that awesome "techno twin" w/the streamer
  17. every sunday, i read the funnies
  18. i don't know how to swim
  19. i don't like/can't eat fruit
  20. i'm a very open-minded person to lots of things
  21. i cant stand ghetto chicks w/unneccessary attitudes and "hood rat" guys
  22. i watch cartoons and will watch them til the say i turn 101 and drop dead
  23. i'm not big w/shopping for shoes...purses are a different story
  24. i have NO sense of direction what-so-ever
  25. i play videogames


  1. haha some of these made me laugh... like 10 which I frequent alot as well. Im also big on 15 and 24 which is sometimes a problem... haha. nice blog. Check mine out:

  2. thanks!
    i like looking @ your blog-nice layout AND writing!
    glad you enjoyed it!
